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Load Test

1 Purpose of the test

- The purpose is to test and determine the actual load bearing capability of the floor.

2 Testing method

- The fact that the loading test is to create a force effecting on the floor slab, which is similar the loading designed and distributed.

- The testing load capacity on the floor is not less than the standard and does not exceed the calculating loading capacity. The increase of testing load follows the loading diagram and follows every level until the testing load reaches the maximum level.

- At each period of load, we observe the cracks, determine the width of the biggest cracks, follow up the change of the transposing meter attached to the testing slab. This inspection is proceeded during the loading until unloading period.

- Recording the width of the biggest crack, deflection of structures suitable with each loading level in case of loading and unloading period. Determining the biggest crack and the biggest deflection in the course of loading test.

3 Tools & Equipments

- Defection meter with the degree of accuracy of 0.01mm;

- Magnifying glass with the degree of accuracy of 0.02mm

- Level with the degree of accuracy of 0.8mm;

4 Testing Procedules

- Before proceeding the load, the scaffolding is installed in the basement of the whole area of the loading test floor in order to ensure the safety for the loading test period.

- The deflection meter system with the degree of accuracy of 1.01mm is installed on the scaffolding.

- Inspecting and recording the existing situation of the floor before taking the loading test such as the deflection, cracks, change of the location.

- Measuring the length, width of the crack, marking the place of the cracks appeared under the slab, measuring and recording the place of deflection, the biggest change of location under the test floor slab (if any) before loading. The loading capacity test executed on the structures has no signal of damage.

- After each loading test level, collect the test figure value right after finishing the loading and within 5 minutes after finishing the loading. If within 5 minutes, the structure has not got the expression of stability, follow up it and read the test figure value every 5 minutes until the structure is stable or stopping the test and unloading if we found a signal of damage. The structure seems to be stable after each load when the extra figure of deflection 10% less than the initial one of such loading.

- Proceeding the loading evenly on the floor and maintaining this loading value within 60 minutes. During this period, record the number of cracks appearing at the bottom of the slab, determine the width of the biggest crack, record the deformation value on the deflection meters at 5 minutes, 30 minutes and 60 minutes after the loading imposed on the floor. In the course of loading, the deflection at the place of meters of the floor slab is checked preliminarily by the Level in order to ensure the inspection of accuracy of the meter and the safety of the work during the test period.

- If the index of deflection and deformation is less than the allowable limitation, continue loading to be suitable with the level of next loading value. On each level of loading, record the deflection and deformation of the floor on the meter.

- When the loading capacity on the floor reaches 100% loading test value, maintain this loading capacity for 24 hours and record the number of cracks appearing at the bottom of the floor, determine the width of the biggest cracks, record the deformation value on the meters at the periods of 5 minutes, 30 minutes and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, and 24 hours after the loading capacity on the floor reaches 100% loading test value.

- Unload in accordance with each level equivalent to double loading value within 30 minutes. Proceed the record of the deformation value on the meters as in the period of unloading, measure the deflection and deformation until completing the unload.

- Proceed the record of the test figure to determine the extra deflection after unloading for 24 hours.

5 Fee of the test

- We will inform the exact fee for the test after making preliminary survey the building site.

Some pictures for load testing works at Prudential office Building:

1. Prudential AA Office building

Floor deflection meter

do do cao muc nuoc

2. Công trình Nhà xưởng công ty TNHH Coats Phong Phú.

Mặt tiền nhà xưởng công ty TNHH Coats Phong Phú,

Thử tải sàn bằng cát với cấp tải 550Kg/m2

Kiểm tra đổng hồ đo độ võng sàn